” He Lives In Me” Happy 28th Birthday Justin

TEACH PEACE was our message delivered at our 10th Anniversary event on February 25, 2023, as we gathered (during a 4-hour pause in the torrential rainfall) to reflect, renew, and remember Justin through messages, music, and his life-changing impact from his friends, educators, and family as noted below. “I was standing by this door at […]
Sometimes I think I was a superwoman. I don’t know how I could even find the strength to write this story of Justin’s life on the night of his death ten years ago today. It was an impossible ask at the worst and unimaginable time in my life in recent years. But as the old […]
It’s MLK Day. Happy Birthday, Dr. King! I think we can all agree that Dr. King was ahead of his time, and his messages of peace still resonate today. He had many dreams—some are still deferred and are yet to be realized. Our Justin Carr Wants World Peace foundation is a 501 (c) […]