Heart, Art, Peace and Justin Videos

Annual Back-to-School Community Event in Los Angeles

This comprehensive back-to-school event featured life-saving cardiac screenings alongside free haircuts, supplies, meals, and more. Vituity Cares Foundation along with the Magic Johnson Foundation teamed up with Justin Carr Wants World Peace (JCWWP) Foundation to provide heart screenings and raise awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).

A Promise to Our Children

The biggest misconception about Sudden Cardiac Arrest is that it just happens and there’s nothing you can do about it. But the truth is, we can do something. Take a look at how Parent Heart Watch is compelling parents, educators, coaches, counselors and anyone who works with youth to Take the Prevention Promise.

Keep Their Hearts in the Game

California law mandates SCA Prevention Training for coaches, sports officials, and administrators of youth sports programs. Californians can take our FREE training, produced in collaboration with Parent Heart Watch and Coach Safely. Watch this 1-minute preview, then register for the training.

Don’t Just Check the Box

Too often, risk factors and symptoms of a potential heart condition get missed at home, on the field, and in the doctor’s office. We need to be more intentional about the cardiac risk assessment of our youth. Let’s stop checking the box and check in on family heart history and warning signs that put kids at risk for sudden cardiac arrest.

EKG Screenings Protect Young Hearts

One in 300 youth has an undetected heart condition that can put them at risk for sudden cardiac arrest. But most children don’t report or recognize symptoms. So why aren’t EKG screenings part of well-child or pre-participation sports exams? Parent Heart Watch parents share the stories of their lost youth to help other families avert this tragic loss of life. Take the Prevention Promise and support our vision to eliminate preventable deaths and disabilities from SCA in youth by 2030.

Call Push Shock

Bystander intervention is the only way to increase survival rates for Sudden Cardiac Arrest victims. Research shows that once the public understands that their intervention could mean the difference between life and death, they are willing to Call Push Shock. To join the national movement, visit Call Push Shock.org

Mission Possible

Greetings, Youth Caregiver. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be prepared in the event of a cardiac emergency. Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the #1 killer of student-athletes and the leading cause of death on school campuses. 1 in 300 youth has an undetected heart condition that puts them at risk. Learning the Cardiac Chain of Survival will make it POSSIBLE for you to protect young hearts. Watch the five steps that can save a life. Make this Mission Possible.

The Most Important ASK You’ll Make

1 in 300 youth has an undetected heart condition that puts them at risk for sudden cardiac arrest—the #1 killer of student-athletes and part of the #2 medical cause of death under 25. Many heart conditions go unrecognized either because there are no symptoms or symptoms are not recognized, and family risk factors are unknown. Know the warning signs and check your child’s heart. Take the Prevention Promise.

Justin Carr Story on CBS2LA

Justin’s Story won an Emmy Award

Art Videos

JCWWP Dare to Dream

Darrell Carr speaks about the JCWWP Dare to Dream program to students and families.

JCWWP Dare to Dream Volunteer Speaks 1

Jared Goldman, a high school volunteer from Justin Carr’s school, shares his experience participating in the JCWWP Saturday Dare to Dream program.

JCWWP Dare to Dream Volunteer Speaks 2

Carter Beygel, a high school volunteer from Justin Carr\’s school, shares his experience participating in the JCWWP Saturday Dare to Dream program.

JCWWP Dare to Dream Volunteer Speaks 3

Dylan Faulcon, Justin\’s school mate and JCWWP Dare to Dream Student Volunteer shares his experience participating in the JCWWP Saturday Dare to Dream program.

JCWWP Dare to Dream Saturday Program for Kids

In 2012 Justin Carr realized his dream of creating a free “Dare to Dream” after-school program. He recruited his friends and provided math tutoring and art programs to an underserved elementary school. After he died, Justin’s father, JCWWP, professional volunteers, and students from Justin’s school continued the program to carry out Justin’s dream. In addition to tutoring, the kids enjoyed a variety of projects, including art, photography, and dance.

JCWWP Art Teacher Marianne Hall Reviews Justin’s Art Last Words of the Bird & Fish

Justin Carr’s high school Art Teacher Marianne Hall reviews Justin’s art “Last Words of the Bird & Fish”

JCWWP Art Teacher Marianne Hall Reviews Justin’s Art “Happy to See the Sun…”

When Justin brought home this canvas with just an image of a boy in a field reaching out to the sky. He said he was bored while waiting to rehearse backstage for the play Oklahoma, so he started an extra credit project.

JCWWP Dare to Dream Art student wins International Competition

From Los Angeles, CA to Monaco: student of JCWWP “Dare to Dream” program wins art contest and a trip to the Monte-Carlo Circus Festival

Heart Videos

JCWWP Heart Health Awareness NBA Clipper PSA

The NBA Los Angeles Clippers honored the Justin Carr Wants World Peace Foundation (JCWWP) SAFE Heart Screening conducted free heart screenings offering an electrocardiogram Cardea Screen and an echocardiogram, both of which can detect potential heart problems on the main concourse for fans aged 12-24. Based on the test results, approximately 13% of those screened were found to need further detailed cardiac evaluation.

JCWWP Heart Screening Interview with Debra Smile Lady Johnson

Debra Johnson of Smile and Spread a Little Joy at Pasadena Media interviewed Darrell and Susan Carr about a JCWWP Free Heart Screening to test youth and educate families about Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). An undiagnosed heart condition took Justin Carr’s life.

JCWWP Speaks to UCLA Saving Hearts Students

Justin Carr’s parents speak to the UCLA Savings Heart Foundation ” The Beat Goes On…” Sharing Justin’s story and bonding with students who plan to be medical professionals soon.

Justin Carr Parents in “Who is Parent Heart Watch” PSA 1

Parent Heart Watch is a dynamic platform of parents who have lost a child to sudden cardiac arrest, parents whose child survived and is living with a heart condition, young survivors, medical practitioners, allied health professionals and other passion advocates who have come together to protect young hearts.

Susan Carr in “How Parent Heart Watch Makes a Difference”

In their own words, our members reflect on how Parent Heart Watch has made an impact on their lives and in their work to advance our shared vision to eliminate preventable deaths and disabilities from sudden cardiac arrest in youth. Whether you want to champion our cause at home with family.

Peace Videos

Ceeds of Peace Co-Founder Dr. Maya Soetoro visits JCWWP Dare to Dream

Dr. Maya Soetoro-Ng, Founder, Peace Educator stopped by JCWWP Dare to Dream program during her visit to California. She is the Co-Founder of Ceeds of Peace which has created a 360-degree approach to raising peacebuilding leaders.

JCWWP Peace Event Dr. Maya Soetoro speaks about Peace with CBS 2 News

The Justin Carr Wants World Peace Foundation held a Benefit, “Ceeds of Peace: Something Inside So Strong,” at Holman United Methodist Church on 2/25/17. The guest speaker was Dr. Maya Soetoro-Ng, Co-Founder, Ceeds of Peace & new Director, Matsunaga Institute for Peace & Conflict Resolution, as well as the sister of President Obama.

Friends & Family Celebrate Justin’s 25th Birthday, and Finding Peace

Friends and family talk about what Justin and JCWWP means to them and how they will contribute to World Peace.

JCWWP 2022 1st Place Winner Marlo’s World Peace Project

This 5th grader submitted this video he created to the JCWWP Peace 2022 Competition. This depiction is what he sees in his life reality growing up in Oakland, California. This submission won him 1st place. Unfortunately, so many youths are growing up in dangerous communities. Everyone needs to thrive in all aspects of their lives and be surrounded by peace and happiness.

Justin Videos

Justin Carr singing “Mooning” in “Grease”

Justin Carr played Roger in a school musical production of “Grease” on November 14, 2010. The following clip is a segment of that production, which includes Justin’s singing “Mooning” with one of his cast mates. Enjoy and “Smile for Justin”!

Justin Carr Tribute: “The Artist” created by Chad Michael

Chad Michael, an unknown stranger, volunteered as the videographer at Justin’s Celebration of Life, to record the service for the church. He was touched by what he saw and heard about Justin. He put his creative thoughts together for this video, “The Artist,” a few days after the service for the family. March 2, 2013.

Justin Carr Dedication: Laureina Tamayo Toler ( Justin’s cousin) JCWWP Chalk Art on UC Berkeley Campus

A dedication video and song cover in memory of Justin Carr who passed away suddenly—at age 16—on February 22, 2013 ,from a previously unknown heart disease called idiopathic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. He lived freely and vibrantly wanting to contribute to the mission of world peace. Those words may seem daunting, cliche or unattainable, but the feedback and responses from those whose lives he touched during his momentary time on earth prove otherwise. This video is one step towards creating that reality of world peace today. Let’s just be more kind to one another while we’re here.

Justin Carr Tribute Ryan Houston singing “Make Them Hear You”

JCWWP “Make Them Hear You” March 3, 2013. This video was created the day after Justin\’s Celebration of Life service by family and friends to promote Justin\’s passion for World Peace and for everyone to get along and be kinder to each other. Ryan Houston, soloist also performed this song during the service.

Scholarship Videos

JCWWP MS Scholar Thank you Video 1

JCWWP 2021 SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT Not only did we get a handwritten thank you note and an email but this young rising star but he also sent this video yesterday showing his appreciation for receiving the scholarship from our Justin Carr Wants World Peace Foundation.

JCWWP Scholarship Recipient Camille Echeverri

2022 JCWWP scholarship recipient just sent this thank you video highlighting her first week on the USC campus as a Freshman.

Congo Peace School

2022 JCWWP scholarship recipient just sent this thank you video highlighting her first week on the USC campus as a Freshman.

Gary Lett Award

2022 JCWWP scholarship recipient just sent this thank you video highlighting her first week on the USC campus as a Freshman.