
“I am in China currently talking to students about “dreaming big” I want you to know that Justin’s message is being heard across the world and that he has forever impacted my life. I remember when I was in a very difficult, tumultuous point in my life during my senior year of high school. I felt I was being pulled in a million different directions and didn’t know the right path. But then Justin gave me this idea of dreaming big and this aided me in rising above all the drama. I am spreading his message to these Chinese students, many of whom aspire to do great things. I am thankful to you and Mr. Carr for raising one of the most amazing people I have ever met. When I talk about him, I can help but get emotional because I miss him. I know he is smiling that great, big, beautiful smile on us all. I will continue to spread that message for students and people to dream big because it embedded in me the idea that it’s okay to go on a road less traveled. I continue to keep you in my prayers.” —Zena

“I want to do something amazing that will leave the world better than when I arrived…that’s a skill I learned from Justin” —Jackie, 8th grade

“ He had such a goodness in his soul, and he radiated kindness. He always put others before him. It was never about him.  It’s as if his goal was to make everyone around him happy, and he always succeeded.”—Marianne, 12thgrade

“He has truly changed me to be more accepting, to listen and to be grateful for even the smallest things. I hope to make my mark, to make an impact on the world…anyone who knew Justin undoubtedly derived inspiration from his demeanor and his determination. So, any change any of us makes is a  change that Justin makes. Just know that Justin continues to live through me in college.”—Maddy, College Freshman

“Justin talked  to me about how he was self-conscious in his swim team and even in acting, about not being good enough and that fear is exactly what pushed him to be great. And that is the single most important piece of advice I have seen in my life.”—Eugénie, College Freshman

“I think I admired Justin from too far away and I wish I could’ve taken him under my wings more (though he needed no help)… As I move further into adulthood, I know that without question that…Justin will continue to anchor me in gratitude and positivity.” —Upperclassman

“Though I was older than him, Justin was a role model for me throughout high school. I have just returned from Israel. I was on Birthright, which as you may know is a program that takes Jewish teens to Israel to build connections between Israel and the US. With my group, I visited the Kotel, or the Western Wall. Our group leaders told us that it is customary to write notes or prayers and stick them in the cracks of the Kotel. Justin was sent to this earth to do good and was taken back, however untimely, to the kingdom of God. And I know that if there is a God, Justin is up there sitting right next to him, probably telling him how to do his job. So, I wrote my prayer not to God, but to Justin. I figured that if being at the Kotel is the closest I will ever be to God, then it is the closest I will ever be to Justin as well. Even if my prayers don’t reach Justin directly, I’m sure God will be kind enough to pass on the message. I will continue to spread his message of peace and joy. Even though his body may be gone, his spirit most certainly lives on. I have and will continue to try to emulate his positivity, energy, and passion for theater and life.” —Upperclassman


“Justin’s legacy will always fuel them (the kids) with appreciation for the preciousness of life, engaging in it with courage, and serving the world. Whether they fully realize it now or not… Heck, that’s a lesson he left me. And trust me, I think of Justin often…”— Shelley

“I am SO FULL of emotion!  I had an opportunity to view your Justin’s story with my family last evening.  What an incredible and brilliant young man!  His spirit shines through. He teaches us to appreciate our blessings, to never take things for granted, to not squander our God given gifts, and to let the people in our lives know how much we love and appreciate them.  He inspires us all to rise higher!  Thank you for enlightening our lives!”—Mary

Western Wall

“Hey, Justin! It’s been a couple hard months without you. I think about you a lot, and I’m happy to say, your memory never fails to make me smile through the tears.  Thank you for teaching me, Justin. Every little thought counts, every little voice matters, and every little smile is worth it. Much love, now and always.”—Covo

“I began to think about how I could best honor Justin. Then I thought, I would  carry out his message further. When he and I would talk, he was all about breaking stereotypes and being yourself. His life inspired me greatly; he was so versatile and intelligent and well-rounded, not at all fitting into any sort of box, racial or otherwise. By continuing to tell people about Justin Carr Wants World Peace, by putting a window attachment to the car I’ll soon drive, wearing my Smile for Justin bracelet, sharing memories about him on the multiple Facebook groups—all those things will honor his memory.

“I loved Justin, and he was a great friend. I wish I could have been closer to him. But the times we did spend together meant a lot to me, and I will continue to think of him and talk about him and pray for him and for your family as you cope with his tragedy. I still miss him greatly, and I know you must feel the same a million times over. But he will always be in my heart, as a friend, a fellow performer, and a true inspiration.” — Much love, J


“As teachers, from our students we’ll be taught… And Justin taught—and still does—teach our whole community so much! With Love.”—Justin’s Ms. Hall (Justin’s Art Teacher)

“Amazing, isn’t it, how the same three short words “ Let them Be” can be the right answer to so many questions … from what a bereft mother needs as she deals with a wound that can never heal … to what a great parent should do to let a child grow unencumbered towards the sunlight of his potential … of his many potentials. Consolation can’t come close to healing, but I suspect that you find it meaningful consolation, nonetheless, to witness the wonderful ways in which Justin’s contemporaries are working to help his spirit and vision BE. I only wish I had had the opportunity to work with Justin directly at school and get to know him well.  He transformed so many … and continues to do so.  His ripples spread to the horizon” —Rob

“I know it’s been said many times, many places, and in many ways, but, I simply cannot get past the impact Justin had on so many kids. No one was unaffected. Many kids go about their daily lives and are either intentionally or unintentionally aware of the impact others have on them; Justin was our most impactful kid, so no one could look away from what he meant to every kid at our school and to everyone however close or distantly they were connected.”—School Administrator

Medical Professionals

“I have wanted to reach out to you and tell you about our August Screening event… You were on my heart that day we were able to screen over 100 students and provide physicals. When I saw concerned Echocardiogram techs running down to catch a parent to meet with the Cardiologist again, I know we had found something significant. The screening captured a serious life-threatening undiagnosed condition in this young man… Thank you Justin.”— School Nurse

“I have wanted to tell you this and let you know that I was thinking of Justin the whole day as I do at every event… I also felt a sense of peace as I told Justin…”We saved this one for you.” There was a sense of immense emotion as we gave this child back to his mom and told her about your story. It brought tears to her eyes, and she pledged to be praying for your family as well.”—Nurse

“We are happy to have saved this you man in Justin’s honor and memory, and we continue to move in the future to provide cardiac screenings for our students. Hoping to save families the terrible grief you have been through. May God bless you today and every day.”— High School Nurse

“Thank you so much for helping me and for entrusting me to help keep Justin’s wishes and spirit alive. I believe and have accepted the charge to bring peace throughout first my community, and then to the world. I believe if I can help unite and bring peace to my neighbors, community, then that can spread throughout a city, a state, a country, and the world , our world. Doing my part to save young hearts is a pretty good start while helping to bring smiles to kids stuck in the hospital battling illnesses kids stuck in the hospital battling illnesses bigger than their bodies is a pretty good start, I’d say!”— Volunteer

Camp Counselor

“I was so saddened to hear of Justin’s passing. I knew him many years ago when I was his counselor at Summerkids Camp. When I say his photograph on the news, I immediately recognized the bright eyes and sweet smile of the camper I once knew. He was charming, lovable, funny and oh so talented. I clearly remember a moment when he got up on the little wood stage in front of the entire campfires and sang the Jackson 5’s “ I want you back”… He captured the crowd! I shared the news with several friends, also former counselors and everyone remembered him. I’d like to say that we’d remember every camper who shared our summers, but it’s just not the case. Your son, however, was one of those campers-the unforgettable ones. I know you know all of this already, to the real reason I’m writing it to let you know that there are a few more people out there remembering Justin with you. He touched our lives in the brief time we knew him. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and Justin’s friends.”—Lizza  (Justin’s Camp Counselor)