Justin's Art
Justin’s art is reproduced on archival quality watercolor paper or canvas. These unframed prints will make a stunning addition to any collection. Art lasts forever. With your help, Justin’s creations will last through the ages.
Justin had a strong affinity for visual arts. He created a Dare to Dream program so disadvantaged students could have opportunities to create art. We offer free art programs and supplies for schools and students. Contact us for more information.
The Definition Giclee (zhee-klay) – The French word “giclée” is a feminine noun that means a spray or a spurt of liquid. The word may have been derived from the French verb “gicler” meaning “to squirt.”
The Term “giclee print” connotes an elevation in printmaking technology. Images are generated from high resolution digital scans and printed with archival quality inks onto various substrates including canvas, fine art, and photo-base paper. The giclee printing process provides better color accuracy than other means of reproduction.
Each order includes tax, shipping and handling.
Watercolor Paper
11″X14″ = $182
18″X24″ = $303
24″X36″ = $440
11″X14″ = $248
18″X24″ = $369
24″X36″ = $507
Greeting Cards set of five = $33
T-shirts = $33 each
Luggage tag each = $6.50
Merchandise designed by Darrell Carr
Ordering Details
Once placed, orders cannot be canceled or changed.
• Orders will be shipped in about seven workdays
• Sales tax is 9.5 % per item, and shipping, handling & insurance (included in price) is $21 per item
• Special Edition includes an 11″×14″ Photographic Print of Justin doing a cartwheel in the sand